

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle,
be our protector against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
may God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about
the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Prayer against Malefice

Kyrie Eleison.
God, our Lord, King of ages.
All-powerful and All-mighty,
you who made everything and who transform
everything simply by your will.
You who in Babylon changed into dew
the flames of the “seven times hotter” furnace
and protected and saved the three holy children.
You are the doctor and the physician of our soul.
You are the salvation of those who turn to you.
We beseech you to make powerless,
banish and drive out every diabolic power,
presence and machination;
every evil influence, malefice or evil eye
and all evil actions aimed against your servant (name).
Where there is envy and malice, give us an
abundance of goodness, endurance, victory,
and charity.
O’Lord, you who love man, we beg you to reach
out your powerful hands and your most high and mighty
arms and come to our aid.
Help us, who are made in your image;
send the angel of peace over us,
to protect us body and soul.
May he keep at bay and vanquish every evil power,
every poison or malice invoked against us
by corrupt and envious people.
Then, under the protection of your authority may
we sing, in gratitude,
“The Lord is my salvation; whom should I fear? I
will not fear evil because you are with me,
my God, my strength, my powerful Lord,
Lord of peace and Father of all ages.”
Yes, Lord our God, be merciful to us, your image,
and save your servant (name) from every threat or harm;
from the evil one, and protect (him/her)
by raising (him/her) above all evil.
We ask you this through the intercession
of our Most Blessed, Glorious Lady,
Mary ever Virgin, Mother of God,
of the most splendid Archangels
and All your Saints.

Prayer against Every Evil

of our God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
Most Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Angels, Archangels, and Saints of Heaven, descend
upon me.
Please purify me, Lord, mold me,
fill me with yourself and use me.
Banish all the forces of evil from me,
destroy them, vanquish them,
so that I can be healthy and do good deeds.
Banish from me all spells, witchcraft, black magic,
malefice, ties, maledictions, and the evil eye;
diabolic infestations, oppressions, possessions;
all that is evil and sinful,
jealousy, perfidy, envy;
physical, psychological, moral,
spiritual, diabolical ailments.
Burn all these evils in hell,
that they may never again touch me
or any other creature in the entire world.
I command and bid all the powers
who molest me – by the power of God all powerful,
in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior;
through the intercession
of the Immaculate Virgin Mary – to leave me forever,
and to be consigned into the everlasting hell,
where they will be bound by Saint Michael
the Archangel, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael,
and our Guardian Angels,
and where they will be crushed
under the heel of the Immaculate Virgin Mary.

Prayer for Deliverance #1

My Lord, you are all powerful,
you are God, you are Father.
We beg you through the intercession and help
of the Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel
for the deliverance of our brothers and sisters
who are enslaved by the evil one.
All saints of Heaven, come to our aid.

From anxiety, sadness, and obsessions,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.
From hatred, fornication, and envy,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.
From thoughts of jealousy, rage, and death,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.
From every thought of suicide and abortion,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.
From every form of sinful sexuality,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.
From every division in our family,
and every harmful friendship,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.
From every sort of spell, malefice, and witchcraft,
and every form of the occult,
We beg you, Free us, O Lord.

Lord, you who said,
“I leave you peace, my peace I give you”,
grant that, through the intercession
of the Virgin Mary, we may be liberated
from every evil spell and enjoy your peace always.
In the name of Christ, our Lord.

Prayer for Deliverance #2

O Jesus our Savior,
my Lord and my God,
my God and my all.
With Your sacrifice of the Cross,
You redeemed us and defeated the power of Satan.
I beg You to deliver me from every evil presence
and every evil influence.
I ask You in Your name,
I ask you for the sake of Your Wounds,
I ask you for the sake of Your Blood,
I ask you for the sake of Your Cross,
I ask you through the intercession of Mary,
Immaculate and sorrowful.

May the blood and water that flow from Your side
wash over me to purify me, deliver me, and heal me.

Prayer for Protection

Lord Jesus Christ,
in your love and mercy,
establish a perimeter of protection around myself
and all my loved ones, those who pray for us,
and their loved ones as well.

May the Holy Angels guard me and all my possessions,
establishing a perimeter of protection around me rendering
me immune from any kind of demonic influence.

I ask that no demonic bondage, door, demonic entity, portal,
astral projection or disembodied spirit may enter the space
100 yards in all directions of me.
I ask that any demons within this vicinity be rendered deaf, dumb,
and blind; that You would strip them of all weapons, armor, power,
illusions, and authority;
that You would bind , rebuke, and disable them from
communicating or interacting with each other in any way.

Remove them, O Lord, and send them directly to the foot of
Your Cross. O Jesus, Son of the Most High, I ask this in
Your Glorious and Most Holy Name. Amen.

Anime Christi

Soul of Christ, sanctify me;
Body of Christ, save me;
Blood of Christ, inebriate me;
Water from the side of Christ, wash me;
Passion of Christ, strengthen me;
O good Jesus, hear me;
Within your wounds, hide me;
Let me never be separated from you;
From the evil one, protect me;
At the hour of my death, call me;
And bid me come to you; that with your saints;
I may praise you forever and ever.

Breathe on me

Breath on me, Breath of God,
fill me with life anew,
that I may love what thou dost love,
and I do what thou wouldst do.

Breath on me, Breath of God,
until my heart is pure,
until my will is one with thine,
to do and to endure.

Breath on me, Breath of God,
til I am wholly thine,
until this earthly part of me
glows with thy fire divine.

Breath on me, Breath of God,
so shall I never die;
but live with thee the perfect life
of thine eternity.

Judaism (Hebrew Bible, Tanakh)

The Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4 – 6:9)

Hear, O Israel, Adonai, our God, Adonai, is One.
Blessed be the name of his glorious majesty forever and ever.
You shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall speak of them when you are sitting at home and when you go on a journey, when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be frontlets between your eyes. You shall inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Blessing for the Home (Birkat HaBayit, ברכת הבית)

Let no sorrow come through this gate.
Let no trouble come in this dwelling.
Let no fright come through this door.
Let no conflict come to this department.
Let there be blessing and peace in this place.

A Prayer at Bedtime

Praised are You, Adonai, our God, Ruler of the universe, who closes my eyes in sleep, my eyelids in slumber.
May it be Your will, Adonai, My God and the God of my ancestors, to lie me down in peace and then to raise me up in peace.
Let no disturbing thoughts upset me, no evil dreams nor troubling fantasies.
May my bed be complete and whole in Your sight.
Grant me light so that I do not sleep the sleep of death, for it is You who illumines and enlightens.
Praised are You, Adonai, whose majesty gives light to the universe.

Special Prayer for Protection at Night

In the name of Adonai the God of Israel:
May the angel Michael be at my right,
and the angel Gabriel be at my left;
and in front of me the angel Uriel,
and behind me the angel Raphael…
and above my head the Sh’khinah (Divine Presence).

Psalms, Chapter 91:  Assurance of God’s Protection

He who dwells in the covert of the Most High will lodge in the shadow of the Almighty.

I shall say of the Lord [that He is] my shelter and my fortress, my God in Whom I trust.

For He will save you from the snare that traps from the devastating pestilence.

With His wing He will cover you, and under His wings you will take refuge; His truth is an encompassing shield.

You will not fear the fright of night, the arrow that flies by day;

Pestilence that prowls in darkness, destruction that ravages at noon.

A thousand will be stationed at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not approach you.

You will but gaze with your eyes, and you will see the annihilation of the wicked.

For you [said], “The Lord is my refuge”; the Most High you made your dwelling.

No harm will befall you, nor will a plague draw near to your tent.

For He will command His angels on your behalf to guard you in all your ways.

On [their] hands they will bear you, lest your foot stumble on a stone.

On a young lion and a cobra you will tread; you will trample the young lion and the serpent.

For he yearns for Me, and I shall rescue him; I shall fortify him because he knows My name.

He will call Me and I shall answer him; I am with him in distress; I shall rescue him and I shall honor him.

With length of days I shall satiate him, and I shall show him My salvation.

Psalms, Chapter 20:  Prayer for Victory

For the conductor, a song of David.

May the Lord answer you on a day of distress; may the name of the God of Jacob fortify you.

May He send your aid from His sanctuary, and may He support you from Zion.

May He remember all your meal offerings and may He accept your fat burnt offerings forever.

May He give you as your heart [desires], and may He fulfill all your counsel.

Let us sing praises for your salvation, and let us assemble in the name of our God; may the Lord fulfill all your requests.

Now I know that the Lord saved His anointed; He answered him from His holy heavens; with the mighty acts of salvation from His right hand.

These trust in chariots and these in horses, but we-we mention the name of the Lord our God.

They kneel and fall, but we rise and gain strength.

Lord, save [us]; may the King answer us on the day we call.

Psalms, Chapter 90:  God’s Eternity and Human Frailty

A prayer of Moses, the man of God.

O Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.

Before the mountains were born, and You brought forth the earth and the inhabited world, and from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.

You bring man to the crushing point, and You say, “Return, O sons of men.”

For a thousand years are in Your eyes like yesterday, which passed, and a watch in the night.

You carry them away as a flood; they are like a sleep; in the morning, like grass it passes away.

In the morning, it blossoms and passes away; in the evening, it is cut off and withers.

For we perish from Your wrath, and from Your anger we are dismayed.

You have placed our iniquities before You, [the sins of] our youth before the light of Your countenance.

For all our days have passed away in Your anger; we have consumed our years as a murmur.

The days of our years because of them are seventy years, and if with increase, eighty years; but their pride is toil and pain, for it passes quickly and we fly away.

Who knows the might of Your wrath, and according to Your fear is Your anger.

So teach the number of our days, so that we shall acquire a heart of wisdom.

Return, O Lord, how long? And repent about Your servants.

Satiate us in the morning with Your loving-kindness, and let us sing praises and rejoice with all our days.

Cause us to rejoice according to the days that You afflicted us, the years that we saw evil.

May Your works appear to Your servants, and Your beauty to their sons.

And may the pleasantness of the Lord our God be upon us, and the work of our hands establish for us, and the work of our hands establish it.

Psalms, Chapter 140:  Prayer for Deliverance from Enemies

For the conductor, a song of David.

Rescue me, O Lord, from an evil man from a man of robbery You shall guard me.

Who plotted evil things in their heart; every day they gather to wage war.

They whetted their tongue like a serpent; the venom of a spider is under their lips forever.

Guard me, O Lord, from the hands of a wicked man; from a man of robbery You shall watch me, who plotted to cause my steps to slip.

Haughty men have concealed a snare for me, and [with] ropes they spread a net beside [my] path; they laid traps for me constantly.

I said to the Lord, “You are my God.” Hearken, O Lord, to the voice of my supplications.

God, O Lord, the might of my salvation; You shall protect my head on the day of battle.

O Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked; do not let his thoughts succeed, for they are constantly haughty.

The numbers of those who surround me, may the lies of their lips cover them.

Let fiery coals descend on them; He will cast them into fire, in wars, so that they will not rise.

A slanderer will not be established on earth; a man of violence, the evil will trap him with thrust upon thrust.

I know that the Lord will perform the judgment of a poor man, the cause of the needy.

But the righteous will thank Your name; the upright will sit before You.

Psalms, Chapter 23:  The Divine Shepherd

A song of David.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He causes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters.

He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Even when I walk in the valley of darkness, I will fear no evil for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff-they comfort me.

You set a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.

May only goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for length of days.

Psalms, Chapter 1:  The Two Ways

The praises of a man are that he did not follow the counsel of the wicked, neither did he stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the company of scorners.

But his desire is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.

He shall be as a tree planted beside rivulets of water, which brings forth its fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wilt; and whatever he does prospers.

Not so the wicked, but [they are] like chaff that the wind drives away.

Therefore, the wicked shall not stand up in judgment, nor shall the sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.


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